Friday, August 25, 2023

Directional Investing in Art

 The New York Times, August 23, recalls how the Wildenstein art dynasty added value to its product:

Upon Nathan’s death in 1934, Georges steered the family into an era of unprecedented prosperity by building an infrastructure around his artists’ marketsHe organized exhibitions, edited an art journal and published definitive catalogs of works by artists in his inventory — Ingres, Fragonard, Chardin. (Daniel would later do the same with Monet, Manet and Gauguin.) The books were well respected and helped market their artists to museums.

This is a kind of Directional Investing.

Introduction to Directional Investing

Directional Investing is a new way of thinking about investing, derived from old and familiar components.  A key theme is the investment adage, “The trend is your friend.” Trends come in two categories: those that can be spotted, and those that can be shaped.  For instance, the blue-red division of the nation is a trend to spot, while the creation of a medical enterprise zone is a trend to shape  Either way, passive or active, knowing the trend can be a moneymaker.   

Eroom's Law: How Federal Regulation Can Reverse Progress on Matters of Life and Death

Back in 2012, Nature  took note of the stagnation of pharmaceutical innovation: " The number of new drugs approved per billion US doll...